Mobile Devices Policy

Mobile Devices Policy

Agreed principles of an effective Electronic Devices policy

1. Campbell High School is not responsible for loss, theft or damage of any electronic device.

2. Learning in the classroom should not be affected by electronic devices such as iPods, mobile phones and cameras/video cameras.

3. Advice to students about the safe online practices and the possible consequences associated with inappropriate use are addressed through the Compass Program.

4. The school acknowledges that in certain situations, electronic devices such as cameras and mobile phones can be used as educational tools at the discretion of the classroom teacher.

Agreed policy guidelines

1. Students are provided with the opportunity to place personal phones in receptacles provided by the teacher as they enter the classroom.

2. Clear classroom expectations are established, revisited and clearly displayed.

3. In the event that a student is observed using a phone in the classroom after the lesson commences, they will receive one request from the classroom teacher to place it in the receptacle or return to their bag.

4. Should the phone be seen again, the behaviour will be recorded on SENTRAL and contact home made by the classroom teacher.

5. Should the behaviour become persistent, the student will be placed on a white card. This will include contact with parents/carers to discuss the non productive behaviours and shared commitments to improving behaviour.

6. Further phone discretions during the White Card period may lead to the student being referred to the Head of Faculty and placed on a Pink Card.  Contact home will be made by the Head of Faculty.

7. Breaches during this period may result in the student repeating a Pink Card, further faculty based consequences and/or a referral to Student Services.

8. Three or more instances of White Card resulting from mobile phone non-compliance across the school may result in student being directly monitored through a Blue Card.

Mobile technology used inappropriately to contact, film or harass students, staff or community members will be confiscated immediately and parents/carers will be contacted to collect the device.